26 luglio, 2013

Loro hanno ucciso i miei sogni - Li hanno distrutti - Ma cosa ho fatto di male?


Quello in basso è un video choc, sottotitolato in Inglese e riportato integralmente, dall'Istituto di ricerca su Media Medio Oriente (Memri), e pubblicato su YouTube, quello di una ragazza di 11 anni dallo Yemen, che si è rifugiata dallo zio per non essere costretta al matrimonio dai suoi genitori. 
Nada - questo è il suo nome - esprime la sua rabbia: 
"Hanno minacciato di uccidermi se fossi andata da mio zio.
Che genere di persone può minacciare così una bambina?"
Chiede e apostrofando i suoi genitori! 
"Maritatemi per forza ed io mi uccido" 
Matrimoni di ragazzine sono comuni in Yemen, quasi una ragazza su quattro è già sposata prima di 15 anni. Nada lo sa bene se ha deciso di allontanarsi da casa, questo non è il destino di molte altre ragazze. 
"Alcune hanno deciso di buttarsi in mare, sono morte. (...) Mia zia aveva 14 anni. Rimase un anno con il marito, poi si è cosparsa di benzina e si è immolata. E' morta",
Nada from Yemen is a very lucky girldice. Secondo il sito web NOW, Nada proveniva da una modesta famiglia di otto componenti. Ora vive con suo zio, tecnico editor televisivo. L'uomo ha anche preso sotto la sua ala una nipote, malata, i suoi genitori non potevano permettersi finanziariamente di mantenerla.

segue la trascrizione del filmafo ed il filmato stesso, preso dalla fonte principale che ne autorizza e suggerisce la pubblicazione

July 8, 2013
11-Year-Old Yemeni Girl Nada Al-Ahdal Flees Home to Avoid Forced Marriage: I'd Rather Kill Myself

Following are excerpts from a statement delivered by Nada Al-Ahdal, an 11-year-ol Yemeni girl, which was posted on the Internet on July 8, 2013:

Nada Al-Ahdal is speaking in a moving car

Nada Al-Ahdal: Salaam Alaikum. Allah's mercy and blessings upon you. Hello to you all. I'd like to thank Mukhtar Al-Sharafi and Amal. I'd like to thank all the journalist and you as well. It's true that I ran away from my family. I can't live with them anymore. Enough. I want to go live with my uncle. What about the innocence of childhood? What have the children done wrong? Why do you marry them off like that?
I manage
d to solve my problem, but some innocent children can't solve theirs, and they might die, commit suicide, or do whatever comes to mind. They're just kids. What do they know? They didn't have time to study, or anything. It's not our fault. I'm not the only one. It can happen to any child. There are many cases like that. Some children decide to throw themselves into the sea. They're dead now. This is not normal for innocent children
It's true that I fled to my uncle, but he wasn't ho
me. So I called Abd Al-Jabbar to come and get me. Abd Al-Jabbar sent me a woman to travel with her back to Al-Hudaydah. When my uncle heard about it all, he came for me. I filed a complaint with the police against my mother. I told them that I am only 11 years old and she wants to marry me off.

I would have had no life, no education. Don't they have any compassion? What kind of upbringing did they get? [...]

I'm better off dead. I'd rather die. I'd rather live with my uncle than with these people. They threatened to kill me if I went to my uncle. What kind of people threaten their children like that? Would it make you happy to marry me off against my will? Go ahead and marry me off. I'll kill myself, just like that. I won't go back to live with them. I won't.
They have killed our dreams. They have killed everything inside us. There's nothing left. This is no upbringing. This is criminal, simply criminal. [...] 
My maternal aunt was 14 years old. She lasted one year with her husband, and she poured gasoline over herself and set herself on fire. She died. He would beat her with metal [chains]. He would get drunk. Would it make you happy to marry me off?! [...]

My mother, my family, believe me when I say: I'm done with you. You've ruined my dreams. [...]

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